22/12/2023 Merry Christmas 2023In the enchanting realm of the North Pole, where the air is crisp with anticipation and the snowflakes dance in harmony, Santa Claus readies his magical sleigh for the annual global journey on Christmas Eve. However, Santa, being the caring and responsible figure that he is, understands the importance of safety during takeoff. As the clock strikes midnight, Santa, donned in his iconic red suit and surrounded by his loyal team of reindeer, orchestrates a spectacle that captivates both young and old. In a bid to ensure a smooth takeoff, Santa conducts a pre-flight safety check, inspecting every inch of his sleigh with meticulous detail. The reindeer, with their noses aglow, stand poised in front of the sleigh, each harness securely fastened. Santa, checking his list one last time, ensures that all presents are stowed away snugly and that the sleigh is light on its feet, ready to soar through the starlit skies. With a twinkle in his eye, Santa takes a moment to communicate with his team of reindeer, sharing words of encouragement and gratitude for their hard work throughout the year. He understands that their synchronized efforts are crucial for a safe and swift takeoff. And then, with a hearty laugh that echoes through the frosty night air, Santa signals the commencement of their journey. The reindeer, fueled by holiday spirit and a dash of magic, prance and gallop in unison, propelling the sleigh forward with increasing speed. Santa, ever the expert pilot, guides the sleigh with precision, ensuring a gradual ascent that avoids any turbulence in the magical airspace. We are excited to share the results of the latest development at Aero 2023 at Friedrichshafen. During the podiums discussion “Collision-avoidance” further details will be shared.
FLARM is the collision avoidance system and electronic conspicuity technology used by General Aviation and UAVs. Aircraft with a FLARM system issue visual and aural warnings when on a collision course with another aircraft. FLARM uses GPS and digital radio broadcasts to communicate with other aircraft. Many FLARM devices also incorporate an ADS‑B and transponder receiver. This enables aircraft that are not yet equipped with FLARM to be detected as well. FLARM is recommended by many aviation authorities and organizations. Over 60,000 manned aircraft, or more than 50% of General Aviation in Europe, already have a FLARM-system installed. iwiation GmbH supports international authorities in accident investigation by providing flight-path-reconstruction based on video- & witness-information, 3D real-time-visualization and human factor analysis. The root cause analysis is used for the creation of lessons learned training. The most recent development is an artificial intelligence surveillance-system to improve aviation safety for small aerodromes that logs any flight activity with the capability to trigger customized warnings. |